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Visitor Management

Function Description

Updated over 8 months ago

High-level description

A digital, self-service, and user-friendly solution for visitor management. Guests visiting your employees, deliveries, and other visitors can easily register and quickly be received or admitted without unnecessary time or waiting.

Visitor management makes the journey smooth and efficient, while the company keeps track of visitors and saves resources on manual guest handling. This also means increased security and control over the premises.

How it works

Visitor Journey

1. The guest registers

The guest uses a kiosk or a QR code on their mobile to register as a visitor. They choose the language for registration. If they stop at a screen before completion, they are automatically returned to the start screen after some time.

The guest chooses whether to visit an individual or a company. If visiting an individual (host), the host is notified. If visiting a company, the company receptionist is notified in the same way as another host.

2. The host responds to the request

With compatible access control in the building, guests can be issued a code to get through access control and meet at the agreed/desired location. The host decides whether the guest should receive a code via message to enter the building on their own or if the host will send a message and meet the guest.

If the building does not have compatible access control but has its own building reception, the host can send a message to the building reception to admit the visitor or convey other detailed messages as necessary.

3. The guest receives a message or access code

The guest receives the message on their mobile, either in the form of a text from the host or an access code that allows entry into the building. The automated messages will follow the language used by the guest for registration.

Company Reception

Deliveries to companies and companies that wish to have their own reception use the company reception dashboard. Here, the person or people in this role can choose to admit and send messages to visitors to the company who are otherwise not handled by a host.

Building Reception

Buildings with a staffed reception have their own dashboard for building receptionists. The dashboard provides an overview of visitors not handled by the host or the visited company, including any messages sent by the host/company reception to the building reception and whether the host or company reception has instructed to admit the visitor.


With compatible access control

Without compatible access control

Roles and responsibilities



User (host)

Company Reception

Real Estate Reception


One or more persons visiting the building

Responsible person at the tenant who receives visitors

Reception belonging to the company (optional)

Reception belonging to the building (optional)



Handles their own visitors

Handles company visitors, and acts as host if needed

Handles visitors on instructions from the host or company reception



Sees their own visitors

Sees company visitors

Sees all visitors for all companies in the building

Functional Matrix



“Forgotten Card” functionality

* Requires compatible access control

Access with code for visitors

* Requires compatible access control

Alarm Function in Dashboard

Alert symbol appears for unattended visitors after 5 minutes

Automatic Deletion of Visitors

All visitor information is deleted after 10 days in the system

Automatically Synchronized Employee Information

Employee information is automatically updated from the company's SSO provider upon login, if SSO is used

Visits to Company, not to Person

Dashboard for Building Reception

Overview of visitors to the building

Dashboard for Company Reception

Overview of visitors to the company, notification via SMS and email, and response to the visitor via SMS

Filter Function in Building Reception Dashboard

Filter function hides visitors that the building receptionist does not need to handle

Multiple Entrance Areas

Multiple entrance areas can be set up, and information about the visit follows messages in the system

Quick Function to Admit Visitors

Recipient of the visit can securely admit a single visitor via unique codes within a 15-minute window

Check-In with QR Poster

Check-In with Touch Screen

Web-based - can use iPad, Android, Surface, and PC

Manual Deletion of Visitors

If no compatible access control is available, this is supported by notifying and giving console messages to the receptionist in the relevant company or building reception

Support for Lack of Access Control

If no compatible access control is available, this is supported by notifying and giving console messages to the receptionist in the relevant company or building reception

Notification via SMS and Email

Notification via SMS and email to the host, and response to the visitor via SMS. If the visit is to the company, company receptionists are notified via SMS and email.

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